L130: Best Practices for Success with CAD/CAM Preparations and Posterior Restorations

Subject: 615 - Computer Designed/Fabricated Crowns
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Friday, July 14: 9 to 10 a.m.
Repeated: 2 to 3 p.m.
Audience: D, ST, R
Fee: $20
Location: Pool Level, Forum 6 - 8
Speaker bio: Roseville, CA; owner dentist, Pacific Dental Services®; faculty, PDS Institute®
Description: This course is designed to educate dentists in the preparation requirements for CAD/CAM restorations. Best practices and techniques for the design and execution of posterior CAD/CAM restorations will be discussed. Recognition and adoption of these techniques will enhance patient outcomes and help dentists deliver highly esthetic restorations.

This course is in collaboration with PDS Institute.