AGD2017 Las Vegas
L05: The History and Future of Dental Materials

Subject: 017 - Dental Materials

Credits: 3 (Lecture)

Thursday, July 13: 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Audience: DTC (D,H,A,O,T), ST, R

Fee: $60

Location: Pool Level, Forum 21-23

Speaker Bio: Materials scientist and engineer; broadcaster; and author of Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World

Description: This lecture will cover history dentally related materials: how they evolved, how they made their way into dentistry, how they made their way from dentistry out to everyday life. The lecture will also cover the future of dental materials including the wide variety research into improving their performance. Finally the lecture will cover aspect of eating and appreciating food, and what a new approach called sensoaesthetics tells us about the flavor of non-edible materials.

Learning objectives:

  • An appreciation of the history of dental materials.
  • An understanding of the materials science behind dental materials.
  • An understanding of the challenges and future possibilities of dental materials.
  • An understanding of sensoaesthetics and what it tells us about the flavor of non-edible materials.