AGD2017 Las Vegas
L01: Practical Oral Surgery for the General Practitioner (Lecture ONLY)

Subject: 311 - Exodontia

Credits: 3 (Lecture)

Thursday, July 13: 9:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.

Audience: D, A, ST, R

Fee: $60

Location: Promenade Level, Milano VII

Speaker Bio: Erie, Pennsylvania; private practice; member, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Examination Committee; clinical professor, LECOM School of Dental Medicine Erie Outreach Clinic

Description: This presentation is designed to share practical guidelines on managing medical issues, anxiety and pain control, minimally invasive exodontia techniques, socket preservation bone grafting, third molar surgery techniques plus management of infections and complications.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn practical surgical approaches and techniques.
  • Learn about modern surgical armamentarium.
  • Learn to prevent and manage common complications.