Subject: 017 - Dental Materials
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Thursday, July 13: 7:30 to 9:00 a.m.
Audience: DTC (D,H,A,O,T), ST, R
Fee: Free with Registration
Location: Pool Level, Forum 24 & 25
Speaker Bio: Materials scientist and engineer; broadcaster; and author of Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World
Description: Whatever people think about the rapid pace of change of technology, our most fundamental categorization of stuff on the planet has not altered: there are living things that we call life, and there is non-living stuff that we call rocks, tools, buildings and so on. As a result of our greater understanding of matter, this distinction is now becoming blurred and is likely to usher in a new materials age. Bionic people with synthetic organs, bones and even brains will be the norm. Just as we are becoming more synthetic, so our man-made environment is changing to become more lifelike: living buildings, and objects that heal-themselves are on the horizon as heralded by the 2016 Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded for the discovery of synthetic molecular machines. This lecture reviews the changes to the material world that are coming our way.
Learning objectives:
An appreciation of the history of the development of materials and how they impact our lives.
A basic understanding of the tools materials scientists use to design new materials.
An insight into the future of materials science and how it might affect society.