The abstract submission deadline was 12th March 2017. Abstract submissions are now closed.  

Register with the abstract submission website and establish your username and password for the GIREP - ICPE - EPEC 2017 conference submission system.

Click here to download the detailed "Instructions for Authors" with guidelines on the abstract layout and information on how to use the submission system.

Conference Theme: Bridging Research and Practice in Physics Teaching and Learning

Conference Strands:
1) Teaching Physics Concepts: Sharing Practice
2) Primary and Secondary School Physics
3) University Physics
4) Laboratory Activities in Physics Education
5) Physics Teacher Education 
6) ICT and multi-media in Physics Education
7) Cross-disciplinary Physics
8) Physics Curriculum: Development and Implementation
9) Assessment and Evaluation of Physics Teaching and Learning
10) Physics Education in Informal and Non-formal Settings
11) International Collaboration in Physics Education

Abstract Details

Your abstract should not be longer than 450 words and must be in English. It should present research or teaching ideas related to both physics and education, and align with the aims of GIREP - ICPE - EPEC 2017. Your research or teaching idea must not have been published previously. On-going studies or developing ideas, if properly contextualized and accompanied with preliminary results, are welcome

In the case of a symposium submission, the chairperson of the symposium should provide a 450 word abstract which outlines the symposium. The chairperson is also responsible for submitting the abstracts for each proposed presentation.

The abstract should contain text only please – so do not use tables, figures, or equations.

The entire abstract must be less than 450 words. Failure to comply with the prescribed formatting will lead to automatic rejection of the paper. Insert references like this [1].

Keywords: mandatory.
Between one and five keywords should be included. Please keep to one line and leave one blank line before and after this section.

Acknowledgements – optional section
An Acknowledgement section is not obligatory. Please leave one blank line before and after this section.

References – expected but not mandatory
A reference section is expected but not obligatory. To save on space, use a form of Chicago style that is about as condensed as possible: number, first author only followed by “et al”, year in brackets, journal abbreviation in italics, volume in bold, start page only. For example: 1. D. Hestenes et al (1992) Phys. Teach. 30 141.

You can alter your abstract(s) at any time up to the submission deadline of 12th March 2017 (midnight GMT).

Amending a Submission

You may wish to change your submission. You can do this at any time up to the deadline of 12th March 2017 (midnight GMT).

Log in to the abstract submission system.

You will see your submission(s) listed and must click on the file to open it.

Amending an abstract is just the same as the original submission process except that the online form will be automatically filled in with the answers that you gave previously. You don’t have to change an answer if you don’t want to.

When you reach the final step and press “Finish” you will be sent an email confirming that your abstract has been amended.

If you have any queries about the submission process or you wish to withdraw an abstract, please contact the conference administrator at