It is our pleasure to invite you to the international advance care planning (ACP-i) conference! This 7th ACP-i (formerly ACPEL) conference takes place at March 13 – 16, 2019, in De Doelen in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
The conference is aimed at sharing and discussing new research findings and innovative approaches in the area of advance care planning. Target audiences include researchers, clinicians, policy makers, ethicists, and others involved in advance care planning practice or research.
We look forward to welcoming you in the city of Rotterdam, with its many attractions, modern architecture and lively spirit, for an inspiring triple AAA conference, that will advance your knowledge, engage you in adventures, and provide actionable insights.
Warm regards from the organising committee,
Agnes van der Heide, conference chair
Ida Korfage & Judith Rietjens, co-chairs scientific committee
Yvonne van Loon, support