Seek and Find, Not Show and Tell
The ACTE Global Conference in Rome will provide new formats that provide “seek and find” opportunities-–not just “show and tell”. Our “seek and find” format will engage attendees with industry thought leaders and subject matter experts to resolve challenges and discuss advanced developments within the global business travel industry.
Education Session: Monday October 15, 2012
Education Session: Tuesday October 16, 2012
Education Sessions: Monday, 15 October 2012 11:15-12:15
M101 Data: Finding the "So What" & Making Data Actionable
This session will consider travel's impact on company revenue, margins, and more as travel management moves beyond its traditional role of commodity purchasing into a more dynamic and strategic position within the company. Attendees will consider relevant metrics with the greatest impact and discuss how to apply them to advise and influence behaviours and create strategic change within organisations.
Michael Cox, Founder, Loyalty Curve Consulting
Susan Hopley, Managing Director, The Data Exchange
Benjamin Park,Director Procurement & Travel, PAREXEL International GmbH
M102 Finding the Balance Between Visible and Virtual Travel
Collaborative technologies, concerns with carbon emissions, and multiple generations in the workforce are all changing the way we will meet and work. What is the viability of the virtual working world? How are collaboration tools changing travel patterns? Who has internal ownership of these decisions? Can we achieve transparency around true costs and ROI? Buyers and suppliers will explore this new world of work and its impact on our industry.
Glenn Wastyn, President & CEO, Global Videoconferencing Network (GVN)
Yves Galimidi, Global Travel Purchaser, IKEA
Mary Bastrentaz, Senior Director, Global Travel and Events, Accenture Norbert Osselaer, Sr Account Manager, BT Advise (Virtual Panelist)
Jeremy Stubbs, General Manager, Sabre Virtual Meetings Compliments of:
M103 How & Where to Find Talent
Access to technology is growing at a predictable pace, but what about access to intellectual capital? How can we attract the next generation of qualified talent to work in the corporate travel industry? What do university graduates expect from the workplace? What do 21-year olds value? And most importantly, what career opportunities can we offer?
Prof. Dr. Rico Maggi, Università della Svizzera Italiana
Ludovic Ciannarella, CREATETALENT Mentor and Director of Global Sales and Account Management, Lufthansa AirPlus ServiceKarten GmbH
Stella Patanè, CREATETALENT Mentee and Master Student in International Tourism, Università della Svizzera Italiana
Natalia Tretyakevich, PhD candidate in Economics, Institute for Economic Research, Università della Svizzera Italiana
Marisa Vara, Founder and Owner, Oxycoach
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Education Partner:
M104 Issues that Matter: Regional Nuances and Country-specific Global Travel Challenges (session repeats)
In this speed-learning session focused on regional nuances and country-specific challenges within global travel management, attendees will participate in back-to-back roundtables led by regional specialists for Asia-Pacific, China, Eastern Europe/Russia, India, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Winfried Barczaitis, Partner, Trust Management Consultants
Ian Epps, Director of Partnership Relations, ITP Travel
Georgie Farmer, Head of Asia Travel, Microsoft
Ricardo Ferreira, Vice President, Alatur
Elaine Huang, Category Manager, MS Travel, Microsoft
Irina Kuznetsova, Vice President, Head of Costs Analysis & Control Division, OAO Bank VTB
Chris Pouney, Director, Business Travel, Severnside Consulting Ltd.
Vadim Zelenski, Chairman, Russian Association of Business Travel
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M105 Innovazione mobile: perchè non si puo’ farne a meno, soprattutto in viaggio Le nuove tecnologie mobili consentono contatti e azioni fino a poco tempo fa impensabili. I media sociali e internet hanno azzerato le distanze e allo stesso tempo aumentato le opportunità di business. A che punto siamo in Italia? Come tutto questo impatta su chi viaggia per affari e su chi si occupa di travel management? La sessione propone un approfondimento su
- Le nuove frontiere del pagamento in mobilità
- il business travel nell’era dei social network e delle app.
Arianna De Nittis, Journalist, Mission
Gianluca Bovoli, CEO, Social Noise Italia
Francesca Ordanini, Travel Manager, SymphonyIRI Group
Filippo Renga, School of Management Politecnico di Milano
Filippo Marchesi, Concept & Business Development Manager, AirPlus International
Education Partner:
Education Sessions: Monday, 15 October 2012 14:45-15:45
M201 Advancing the Compliance Conversation
Policy compliance remains at the top of many travel managers' to-do lists as pressures intensify and cost levers continue to be at the center of corporate conversations. What new and unique ideas are companies deploying to drive adoption, and which strategies are successfully influencing traveler behaviour?
Andrew Cruse , Head of IT Account Management for Corporations at Amadeus
Speakers:Eric Bailey, Senior Travel Manager- Strategy and Technology, Microsoft Sarah Coppe, Marketing Programme Manager, Amadeus
Tove Gustafsson , Travel Manager EMEA, Discovery Communications Europe Ltd
Kerrie Henshaw-Cox, Global Programme Manager, AstraZeneca - Video Link
Margaret McGrath, Global Travel and Events, Accenture Compliments of:

M202 Communications: One Size No Longer Fits All
Are you still using a “one size fits all” communications strategy even though you know different generations value different communication channels and content? Keynote presenter, Graeme Codrington, will explain the different value systems among generations in the workforce, and describe how you can apply this knowledge to optimize your internal and external communications. Presenter: Dr. Graeme Codrington, Author & Future Trends Analyst, Co-founder of TomorrowToday Compliments of:
M203 Issues that Matter: Regional Nuances and Country-specific Global Travel Challenges
In this speed-learning session focused on regional nuances and country-specific challenges within global travel management, attendees will participate in back-to-back roundtables led by regional specialists for Asia-Pacific, China, Eastern Europe/Russia, India, Latin America, and the Middle East. Facilitators: Winfried Barczaitis, Partner, Trust Management Consultants Ian Epps, Director of Partnership Relations, ITP Travel Georgie Farmer, Head of Asia Travel, Microsoft
Ricardo Ferreira, Vice President, Alatur
Elaine Huang, Category Manager, MS Travel, Microsoft
Irina Kuznetsova, Vice President, Head of Costs Analysis & Control Division, OAO Bank VTB
Chris Pouney, Director, Business Travel, Severnside Consulting Ltd. Vadim Zalenski, Chairman, Russian Association of Business Travel Compliments of:

M204 Understanding "Virtual Travel" Management Remote meetings can be a strong complement to business travel, and ultimately help travel managers enhance control and spend of meetings. This session will demonstrate examples of virtual travel alternatives - including tele-, video- and web-conferencing – and discuss the pros and cons of each. The live demos will also include a discussion of booking options, costs, equipment needed, and recommended usages. Presenters:
Glenn Wastyn, President & CEO - Global Videoconferencing Network Yves Galimidi, Global Travel Purchaser – IKEA
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M205 La gestione della flotta auto aziendale e della mobilità nel contesto di azienda. Il processo transazionale verso l' integrazione di queste due realta
Il futuro è sempre più determinato da esigenze di mobilità: si consideri l'ampia gamma di possibilità offerte al personale aziendale, mobilità fisica come la macchina, compresa la condivisione e lo scambio, il treno, l'aereo, la bicicletta, l'autobus, la metropolitana ... e così su e non parlare di mobilità virtuale per chi decide di non viaggiare. E considerare che cosa è in gioco: CSR, l'ambiente, l'efficienza dei dipendenti, come ad esempio nuovo approccio mobilità bilancio e, naturalmente, il risparmio sempre richiesto. Non si tratta solo di parco auto, viaggi d'affari, meeting e congressi (MICE) - si tratta di un modo completamente nuovo di integrare e gestire tutta la mobilità soluzioni relative in un ambiente economico complesso che rappresenta grandi sfide ed opportunità straordinarie che consentano di vivere in un momento magico di transizione .... è il momento di una nuova figura professionale, probabilmente un gestore di transizione tra due epoche. Moderatore: Ermanno Molinari, Giornalista, Stampa economica specializzata e Segretario Generale e Tesoriere di AIAGA
Relatore: Giovanni Tortorici, Global Supply Chain - Purchasing Manager, BARILLA G. e R. Fratelli S.p.A. e Presidente di AIAGA Education Sessions: Tuesday, 16 October 2012 11:45-13:00 T101 Defining the Travel Management Programme of the Future Explore the world of on-demand solutions, mobile technologies, consumerisation and social media in end-to-end business travel. Develop and define - together with your colleagues, clients and partners - expectations and solutions based on your individual priorities for cost control, duty of care and quality.
Presenter: Claudia Unger, Director- Research & Intelligence, BCD Travel
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T102 Demystifying the Global Regulatory Landscape Are you interested in the global regulatory landscape for our industry, i.e., airline transparency rulings, emissions tax laws and carbon trading, human trafficking, passenger rights regulations, and more? Join a working group of like-minded peers who will discuss regulatory activity around the world and consolidate salient information about rulings that are important to the corporate travel industry. Presenters: Winfried Barczaitis, Partner, Trust Management Consultants Kerin McKinnon, Director, Strategic & Global Sales, Travel & Transport Herman Mensink, Vice President EMEA, Prism Group Inc. Benson Tang, Regional Director, Asia, Association of Corporate Travel Executives
Benjo van Laarhoven, President, The Travel Consulting Group
T103 Leveraging Social Enterprise Tools for Travel Businesses that leverage social enterprise tools are finding cost-savings, enhanced communication channels, stronger internal collaboration, and a deeper understanding of their customers. Learn how early adopters are deploying these tools across organisations and discover whether travel programmes can leverage these tools to reap similar benefits. Presenters:
Cyriaque Benoist, Global Travel Manager, Total and AFTM Board member Max Chatterjee, Vice President, Global Key Account Management, MasterCard Worldwide
Henk-Jan Van Alphen, Consultant, FutureConsult Bernard Lavelle, Sales Director, London City Airport
Johnny Thorsen, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, conTgo
T104 Programme Optimisation - What is Working Well, When & Where? ACTE partnered with American Express to research the frequency and effectiveness of optimisation strategies by programme size, location, and maturity level. Specifically, the research investigated the strategies companies are using, the most relevant metrics for evaluating success, and whether companies are meeting or exceeding their own expectations. Participants will discuss and prioritize optimisation strategies with their peers and compare their insights with the industry research. Presenter: Christa Degnan Manning, Director, Research & Media, American Express Business Travel
Compliments of: T105 Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere a proposito di "travel management" ed in merito alla "travel industry" .... ma non avete mai osato chiedere
Attraverso una elevata interazione tra i vari partecipanti e con il supporto di esperti in materia, la sessione si pone come obiettivo di approfondire alcuni degli aspetti fondamentali della "travel industry" e di "travel management" al fine di dotare i vari partecipanti di una chiara visione e comprensione della recente evoluzione nelle seguenti aree: - La "supply/value chain" nella "travel industry" moderna - "The money flow" -. Chi e' cliente e chi e' fornitore ? - L' evoluzione dei canali di distribuzione nella "travel industry" moderna - "Yield management" e impatto su "dynamic pricing". - Il ruolo della TMC nel contesto evolutivo della moderna "travel industry".
Moderatore: Andrea Guizzardi, Profesor, Università di Bologna Relatori: Fabiano Aouad, Revenue Management & Pricing Italy, Accor Hospitality Italia
Fabio Maria Lazzerini, Amministratore Delegato e Direttore Generale, Amadeus Italia S.p.A. Giuseppe Viesti, Travel Manager, Salvatore Ferragamo Spa
Flavio Leoni, Head of Business Corporate Sales, Marketing & Distribution Dept, Accor Corrado Simontacchi, Manager, Corporate Purchasing - Goods & Services EMEA, Huntsman
Education Sessions: Tuesday, 16 October 2012 14:30-15:30 T201 Are You Incorporating Travelers' Needs? Do you really know what your travelers are doing, what devices they carry, what apps they are using? What is the right balance between accommodating traveler's needs and mandating compliance with mobile, social and/or travel policies? This session will provide these answers from multiple perspectives and help you determine where you fit on the continuum. David Meyer, Director, Research & Media Strategy, Business Travel Media Group
T202 Leveraging Social: A Workshop for Travel Suppliers Social media tools humanize B2B companies and offer new touch points for connecting with customers and prospects. This session will cut through the complexity and strategies, you can use (personally and organizationally) to follow your customers and generate new business leads. Presenter: Peter Kane, Marketing & Communications Manager, AirPlus International
T203 Where Does Travel Management Fit in Today's Organisation? Companies are re-evaluating the optimal organisational structure for travel sourcing and programme management. Should the travel programme report to Human Resources? Information Technology? Procurement? Which travel functions are companies outsourcing? Will corporate travel management become corporate mobility management? Join the debate and hear what other organisations are thinking and doing. Rana Walker - Wastyn, Social Media Evangelist, Award-Winning Public Speaker, PR, Marketing and Comms Expert
Speakers: Geert Behets, Director, Global Travel & Fleet Management, Global Purchasing Travel, Fleet & MICE, UCB Pharma Mary Ann McNulty, Executive Editor, The BTN Group Florian Eder, Director Global Sales EMEA, RADIUS T204 World Café: Peer to Peer Networking for Corporate Travel Managers The World Café provides an engaging environment where corporate buyers and travel managers from around the globe gather informally for purposeful conversations and peer-to-peer benchmarking.
Mark Anthony, Motivational Advisor
Lori O'Connell, Senior Director, US Finance – Pricewaterhousecoopers Compliments of:

T205 Analizzare lo spazio CSR Uno dei punti fondamentali e strategici della Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) è estendere a tutta la propria catena di fornitura (end-to-end) la gestione e il presidio dei concetti della sostenibilità Economica, Ambientale e Sociale. A seguito della sessione di Acquisti&Sostenibilità all’evento, dovremmo essere in grado di: - Calare i principi della CSR nel mondo travel industry, con focus sul processo di acquisto e governo delle relazioni di fornitura e sub-forniture; Comprendere le esigenze e i principi percui fornitori e clienti del mondo Travel Industry devono approfondire ed adottare i principi CSR nella loro attività.
- Identificare almeno tre attività dell’ambito CSR che possano essere chiaramente identificate (e misurate) nella propria attività di gestione Business Travel (BT).
- Aver condiviso esperienze e Best Practises di mercato di come sono stati già implementati progetti CSR nel mondo Travel Industry e BT.
Moderatore: Davide Barbato, Cost, Safety and Facilities Manager, Wincor Nixdorf Italia Relatori:
Angelo Santi Spina, Co-Founder & Chairman, Acquisti & Sostenibilità Michela Marrucci, Mobility Manager, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Spa Fabio Massimo Piersantini, Head of Business Travel, Finmeccanica Group Services
Education Partner:
