HIMSS AsiaPac18 Conference & Exhibition



Outstanding ICT Achievement Award
  • To recognize outstanding achievement in harnessing ICT to provide significant improvement to patient care and safety.
  • The ICT solution adopted may not be new but it has been effectively used by the awarded hospitals to significantly improve patient care and outcome and/or address major challenges faced by the hospitals.
  • Other limiting factors like the hospital financial background, the niche community that the hospital is serving, the long-standing problem that the target population is facing et cetera will also be taken into consideration.
Submit the completed form here. 

Outstanding ICT Innovations Award
  • To recognize the most innovative, creative and "out-of-the-box" ICT solutions used to improve patient care and safety.
  • Innovation can be in the form of leveraging on existing technology to come up with new and creative usage of ICT to significantly enhance patient care and outcome OR developing a ground-breaking technology that leads the way in ICT adoption.

Submit the completed form here.


This year's Award recipients will be honoured at the invite-only HIMSS-Elsevier Awards Dinner, held on the CXO Summit Day at HIMSS AsiaPac18.

Date: Monday, 5 November 2018
Time: 5pm-8pm
Venue: Brisbane, Australia (exact venue to be confirmed)



John Daniels
Global Vice President,
HIMSS Analytics, USA

Robert Nieves
Vice President,
Health Informatics, Elsevier

 Dr. Korpong Rookkapan
Board of Directors,
Paknampo Group of Hospitals by Principal Healthcare Group;
Principal Healthcare Group;
Executive Director,
Hospital Management Training & Development Institute, Thailand


John Sutherland
Chief Information Officer,
Ramsay Healthcare,

Bill Le Blanc
Executive Director and
Chief Information Officer,
SA Health, Australia

 Dr. Aamir Ali
Health Informatics Consultant Ministry of Health and Prevention, UAE


2017 Outstanding Achievement Award Winners

Fudan University Huashan Hospital, China
Project Title: Design and Application of a Cloud-Based Individualized Drug Administration Platform

5th Year Special Winner
The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Australia
Project Title: The Royal Children's Hospital - EMR Project Case Study

2017 Outstanding Innovation Award Winners

Aravind Eye Hospital-Pondicherry, India
Project Title: Fundus on Phone for Rural Eye Care

MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Project Title: mHealth Innovation through Practice Redesign for a Patient-Centered Medicine in Taiwan

5th Year Special Winner
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queensland, Australia
Project Title: Transforming a Health Service: Using Intelligent Analytics as a Driver for Change

CMO of the Year Award Recipient

Professor Peter McDougall

Chief Medical Officer and Executive Director Medical Services and Clinical Governance

Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Australia

2016 Outstanding ICT Achievement Award Winners

Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore
Project Title: Digital Hospital with Integrated Care Across Facilities (Project OneCare)
Watch their interview here.

Paknampo Hospital, Thailand
Project Title: From Stage 0 to Stage 6, a Two-Year Journey of Paknampo Hospital
Watch their interview here.
2016 Outstanding ICT Innovation Award Winners

Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited, India
Project Title: Increase Levels of Patient Safety, Quality and Clinical Care by Adoption of ICT Innovation in Coordinated Clinical Care Process
Watch their interview here.
SingHealth Polyclinics and IHiS, Singapore
Project Title: Automated Medication Collection Lockers: A New Pharmacy Service Model for Improving Patient Experience at the Community Polyclinics
Watch their interview here.

2015 Outstanding ICT Achievement Award Winners

Shanghai Children's Medical Center, China
Project Title: SCMC Data Center and Integration Platform
Watch their interview here.

St. Stephen's Hospital, UnitingCare Health, Australia
Project Title: eHealth Unite Project - Hervey Bay
Watch their interview here.

2015 Outstanding ICT Innovation Award Winner

KK Women's and Children's Hospital and IHiS Singapore
Project Title: Fully Integrated Pharmacy Automation at KKH's Emergency Pharmacy for Better Efficiency and Patient Experience
Watch their interview here.

2015 Outstanding ROI Achievement Award Winner

National University Hospital, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, National Healthcare Group Pharmacy and IHiS, Singapore
Project Title: Outpatient Pharmacy Automation System (OPAS)
Watch their interview here.

2014 Outstanding ICT Achievement Award Winners

Changi General Hospital and IHiS, Singapore
Project Title: ED Real-Time Dashboard System
Watch their interview here.

Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Hong Kong
Project Title: Inpatient Medication Order Entry (IPMOE) Implementation Project
Watch their interview here.

2014 Outstanding ICT Innovation Award Winners

Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation, a unit of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd, India
Project Title: "I-SEE-U": Virtual Visits to ICU, Enhancing Patient Care
Watch their interview here.

National Cancer Centre and IHiS, Singapore
Project Title: Real Time Ambulatory Patient Information Deployment Enabler (RAPIDE) System
Watch their interview here.

2014 Outstanding ROI Achievement Award Winner

Peking University People's Hospital, China
Project Title: An ERP-Based Upgrading of Hospital Operation Management
Watch their interview here.

2013 Award Winners

Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd, India
Project Title: Patient Engagement Platform (PEP) - Apollo Prism
Watch their interview here.

Changi General Hospital and IHiS, Singapore
Project Title:
Closed Loop Medication Management System (with QR Coded Sachets)
Watch their interview here.

Prince of Wales Hospital, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Project Title: Security-Enhanced Mobile Imaging Distribution System (SEMIDS)
Watch their interview here.

Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea
Project Title: N-Device Strategy in the Hospital Environment to Improve Care Coordination and Empower Patient Engagement
Watch their interview here.

Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea
Project Title: Next Gen Hospital Information Systems (HIS) Focusing on Innovative User Experience
Watch their interview here.

Shanghai East Hospital, affiliated to Tongji University, China
Project Title: Clinical Pathway Information Management System (CPIS)
Watch their interview here.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Project Title: SmartSense System
Watch their interview here.