The McGill International Palliative Care Congress
October 15 - 18, 2024 | Montréal, Canada 



As a reminder submissions are welcome from all disciplines.  Abstracts may be submitted for Interactive Workshops, Proffered Papers, or Posters.  

A limit of two abstracts submitted by the same person as first author will be considered.




1.  Create a profile by going to "Login" above and selecting "New User? Click Here" under the email and password fields on that page. 

2.  Once your profile is created, click on "Submissions". The list of submissions you have been assigned to review, will appear.

3.  Click on an abstract to review. Complete all review questions.

4.  The options to save your review are "save & continue later" which should be used for incomplete entries and "save & submit" which should be used once you have completed your review.  Be sure to select "save & submit" before the deadline of March 29, 2024 so that your review is finalized.


1. The abstract responses appear on the left hand side of the screen​​​​​​​

2. The review questions appear on the right hand side of the screen

3. The actual abstract submission appears under the header Abstracts as a downloadable Word document. Click the link to open the abstract.

​​​​​​​If you encounter any conflicts of interest, kindly refrain from completing the review and notify us by sending an email to